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Future Plans
- Girls’ education and re-integration of young mothers into school

This year, we have been focussing on girls’ education, in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. Our aim is to improve recruitment, retention and examination results for girls. We have already set up a flourishing link with a local business, Supreme Re-usable Sanitary Pads. Through them, we have provided training in menstrual hygiene, and have, each year, donated pads to all our female students.
We have also opened our full boarding hostel for girls, and improved the security at the self-boarding houses which we rent for girls in the village.
We are urgently looking for funding to enable girls and young women who have dropped out of school to return and finish their education. In particular, we are focussing on the large number of young mothers who want to return to school. Our aim is to offer them places in a full boarding hostel, so that they can keep their children with them while they are at school.
Future Plans
The Board of Trustees has set these main priorities for the next phase of our project.
- Boarding facilities for girls and boys.
Our original plan for boarding was to build hostels, or small, self-contained houses, within a secure, walled compound. This was to be done through HTA, a London architects firm, and Alan Caldwell, a long-term UK supporter of Chimbota. In 2019, they ran a competition for their architects to submit plans for the boarding facilities. The winning designs were chosen, but then, we were not able to move forward on this, mainly because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
However, HTA Architects have now linked us up with an architects’ NGO called Article 25, who we hope will take this project forward. The 2 winning architects from the competition, along with a representative from Article 25 will visit Malawi in July for a first site visit.


The building is finished apart from painting, and the community members are now constructing a kitchen and toilet.
The first children have started to attend this week – about 25 at the moment.
We have already received a donation to buy resources for the nursery, so we will soon be buying toys and materials for educational play, to help the children’s physical and mental development. Big thanks go to Changing Stars Malawi for their support

We are now looking for help with developing the nursery school project and making it sustainable into the future.
We want to employ 2 nursery teachers, and we will need to offer a good salary, so we can attract the best candidates. This will cost around £200 per month.
Also, we are looking for a donor to make a monthly donation to pay for the school feeding programme. A good, nutritious meal every day is a very important part of a successful nursery school programme here in Malawi, and it’s a great opportunity to get involved in our Chimbota project.
Please contact us if you can help.
In the photo, we can see Village Head Yadinga outside the school. ‘Tawonga’ is the Chitonga word for thank you

Another exciting initiative has started this week.
Chimbota Community Development Organisation has partnered with Asewere Social Enterprise to start offering training in journalism and media to young women. The training courses will be led by our Marketing Manager Innocent, and each course will run for 3 months.
The first group of 12 students has already started the course. Most of these students are from the Asewere women’s groups in Machinjiri, but we are pleased that one of our Chimbota School graduates, Atupele, is also among them.
We are hoping that all the students will get a TEVETA certificate at the end of the course.
The next group of students will begin their course on March 1st 2023. Depending on the numbers of students who are interested, this second training could take place either in Machinjiri or in Nkhata Bay.
We hope to find more funding, so that it can be available to boys as well as girls next time.
Please let us know if you are interested in being part of this exciting project.